Thursday, September 18, 2014

Camino - All About Lunch

Okay final (promise!) post on Spain before we hit Londinium for a brief day...It wasn't all soul searching on the Camino. We had a few giggles too. One of the funniest things was when we discovered Kiiwis and Aussies used the word "lunch" in different yet spookily similar ways.

This is a picture of David taken by my sister Pietra when she did the Camino five years ago. We saw David this time in exactly the same place on a lonely dusty road 6 km out of Astorga. 

His bed was just beside the path and he offered drinks and fruit and muesli for a donation. He was a gentle chap and as stunning as a movie star though my photo here with Pietra doesn't do him justice.

David's bed.

There is no water out here, he has to carry it in.

I guess some people can't live in the real world, they choose fleeting, five minute relationships without conflict but they are totally present and engaged in those minutes.

David referred to himself in the third person "David hasn't gone to Barcelona in four years" (his two children are there). It was hard not to start doing the same: "Jody went to Barcelona once"

Anyway David is a free spirit - including such details as his sarong which framed rather than covered. Five years ago Pietra's Aussie friend said: "You have to get the cut lunch in the photo!"

That was interesting because that same night when there was no room in Rabanal we slept in a dorm room with 40 others, mostly Spanish male cyclists wearing particularly thin and shiny lycra shorts - "showing their lunch" as my Kiwi friend Mike would say. (No visual on that, sorry).

More lunch related things: one day I walked with a Chef from Fulham whose job it was to make lunch for a man who is the largest property owner in the UK.
Outside the office ( the most expensive one in London, natch) sits the same homeless guy every day, and he and the chef have a good old chat in the mornings. Can you believe one day the homeless guy was given 200 pounds by the Ecclestone girl's husband. Then he was given 150 pounds by Kate Moss. He hurried off to the nearest travel agency and bought a plane ticket to Ibiza. 

Finally, on this flimsily lunch-themed post, whaddayaknow when we got into Santiago the first thing you see in the main plaza are these statues. Back and front views 

The other side of the plaza. 

Close up of the left hand side statue to make the point ( scary, but just remember it's art).

So your turn now on the edification and elucidation. Please tell me what this all means. 


  1. This 'David' has me puzzled. Does he live there selling refreshments full time and never see his kids just as he was 5 years ago when sis saw him? I'll have to look in on him during my Camino but GSL won't be doing 'lunch'.

    1. Hi GSL, gosh I hadn't realised how huge these photos would post when I uploaded them. Think you would LOve this walk and it would be a piece of cake for you considering all your past adventures as paratrouper etc.

    2. Yes and david. I did not press him about the kids as I should have if I'd been a good journo, I guess i did not want to know the answer. (also we were ready to press on) Very sad if he hasn't seen them for four to five years. Hopefully their mother brings them out to see him. (though where would they stay?)

  2. Jen liked this blog post. She laughed and laughed when she thought of the times she invited her former inlaws (Kiwis) to lunch. Who knew? Jen also thinks she might embracing the whole third person thing...

    1. Jen, GSL thinks 1 is never enough.

    2. Hope those in-laws were nice to you. Jen deserves the best

  3. I met David, too!!! He said I could lay on his bed if I was tired. Uh, no thank you! In Hontonas, I slept with a five men in my bunk room. They called me Chicago, and had no problem with me seeing their "lunch". I averted my eyes, of course! So happy to have followed along with you.

    1. Chicago - what a great name! Why? After the musical/ do you have long gams?

  4. The Boobster thinks Jody had no sex for a month so "lunch" was on her mind.

  5. Dani thinks The Boobster told Jody what it all means! Dani also did not know this meaning of the word lunch: now she will have a different thought every time she says it.

    1. We'll have to say "what is a lunch" a la the Countess and her weekends

  6. Ruth snorted with laughter at the Boobster's comment above, and is nodding in agreement!
    Lunch is never far from Ruth's mind ....!!!

  7. Heidi is also snorting along with Ruth at the comments. Here it is actual lunch time. Heidi has no idea what the rest of you are referring to…..

  8. Vinogirl, like David, also uses Agave nectar (in her tea)...and I thought it was just a Californian thing. What does it all mean?

  9. Jay is finding the comments as hilarious as the post! She's off to grab some lunch now......

  10. Such a great post and the comments have me laughing that I can barely type now, hahaha :) xx

  11. I am sure the picture of David is a good one, but he just doesn't look as handsome standing next to your gorgeous sister, Pietra. When you ask what does it all mean, I hope you aren't expecting some explanation of the mythology behind those fabulous stone behinds?


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