Wednesday, December 19, 2012

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas!

How did Newest Blue go on Sat night at our little holiday bunfight soiree?  Very happy with my new frock, especially the petticoats that are so swishy you want to do cartwheels (when guests have their backs turned, obviously). And when I realised my new Glenda the Good Witch silver pumps (Kiwis call them "court shoes") left glitter in my wake, well, ding a ling a ling.

Opted this time for removable bow belt, silver pumps (jolly comfy) and silver-gold earings
Me and friend Heidi

Cy with Laura and Lisa. The holidays are Cy's time of the year. He love to get "fancy"and slips into one of his "tuxedos" - two of which are from Costco and one from his Grandparents - at the drop of a hat

Curtis in his vintage trou and Andy

Tallulah and Colleen

Jean, bookclub friend, with waiters Cy and Tallulah (one for me, one for the guests)

Random moments out and about.....

Angels singing in the rain for us at Bay Street Emeryville
Stopping for ice cream at the Brazil Cafe in Berkeley

*The best holiday-ish thing we've seen so far is The Hard Nut by the Mark Morris Dance Group which is from Belgium. It's The Nutcracker without the snooze.

My husband's face at left in the poster

Costumes that look like Mad Men on crack and instead of the adorable children scene there tipsy party guests, a mother who drops prozac and a slutty daughter. The dancing mashes up hip hop, tap and ballet; thoroughly original. Consider this: 32 dancers throw 20 lbs of confetti amid 116 costume changes and 30 wigs. And even better, men in tutus and the dancers are all shapes and sizes. (The last time I went to the Kirov Ballet I spent most of the time wincing as the dancers were so scrawny).

*Tonight we're having a few odd bods over for mince pies (the sweet kind) and mulled wine. The mince pies are made by Mr Walker and are from a Scottish shoppe in San Fran. They are my favourite and I'm trying to keep my greasy paws off them...Must. Eat. Thewholepacket. I've noticed each wee one is 250 calories. (Whoah!) We've off to New Zealand tomorrow night, a 12-hour flight arriving in Auckland on Saturday (thus missing Friday in transit.) I'm thinking those extra calories can fly away into the sky with Friday. Ding a ling a ling!


  1. Take care, have a wonderful Chrissy and great time in NZ. I am not heading home this year, but on the cards for next Christmas

  2. Safe travels! Have a wonderful time enjoying your family and NZ. xoxo

  3. Xmas is just around the corner. Love the little blue cocktail dress. Thanks for posting photos and feel free to drop by me too when you have time.

    1. Thanks for popping by Ellinor, just went over to yours.

  4. We call them court shoes too. Your pals and family are all so glamorous. Have a safe journey and enjoy the time at 'home'.

  5. Loving the bling-tastic shoes and the swooshy dress! Have a safe journey to NZ and a very Happy Christmas! x

  6. I'm glad you got the dress conundrum fixed, and very glam you looked too. :)

    I hope the flight goes okay, and that you have a super Christmas.

  7. I'm just loving that dress, and of course your delightful waitstaff. Safe travels!

  8. Don't you look so fizzy in that frock - gorgeous!

    Have a wonderful Christmas. look forward to hearing all about it in future posts xxx

  9. Your dress is wonderful, a most beautiful shade of blue. Have a lovely trip and a very Merry Christmas.Where is young Teddy spending the holidays?

  10. You all look amazing...what a wonderful time!! Have a safe and happy holiday with friends and family!! Merry Christmas!! xx

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. The shoes are perfect!! And yes I have only just got around to calling them pumps - pumps were always something I wore in gym class:) Have a fabulous Christmas xxx

  13. The party looks like great fun and you looked wonderful in your outfit.

    Hope you have a great flight to New Zealand and have a Merry Christmas!

  14. Hi Jody!

    Such a great party and everyone looks like they are having lots of fun:) Such a good looking group!

    Enjoy the holidays and wishing you and your family a wonderful new year!


  15. Just had to say that your earrings are *gorgeous*!!

    1. Elle I'e actually been wearing the shoes and earings with jeans - has given my wardrobe a new lease on life

    2. They are Tasha from Nordstroms in Walnut Creek if you're interested - think they would suit everyone

  16. Have a wonderful Christmas ... as you leave the States for NZ, I'm leaving Ireland for the States! Can't wait. And I hardly need to say it, but you looked stunning at your soiree, as always:)

  17. Looks like you had a great party night! Enjoy christmas In New Zealand:)

  18. I adore that everyone got dressed up for the holidays - plaid trousers and all, hehe. You look gorgeous in the blue!

  19. Love the blue dress - that shade looks fabulous on you! Merry Christmas!

  20. Gorgeous look! I love the sparkly court shoes you selected for your beautiful dress! xo style, she wrote

  21. Delightful-looking party. Fab! Your dress is spectacular!

    "Beginning to look a lot like Christmas"? Not so sure. Where's your foot of snow?

    Merry Christmas!

  22. You look so pretty Jody in your new dress and I love those sparkly shoes. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and safe travels!

    xo Mary Jo

  23. Fabulous dress and you look fabulous in it. Have a great time back home.

  24. I am very disappointed we didn't get a full length photo of you in the dress!!!! Have a fabulous Christmas!

  25. Gorgeous dress! Glad you went with the bow belt for it!

  26. Safe travels, and Merry, Merry Christmas!

  27. I love the blue dress. Every besr wish to you and your family for a happy Christmas and a healthy 2013. Safe journey

  28. Jody- So, you should be in New Zealand right now! Have a wonderful holiday and tell us all about it, please!


  29. You look wonderful Jody! Wishing you a Merry Christmas and lovely happy healthy new year! All the best. Sue

  30. Jody love that dress and earrings. I think I wanted the same ones. Are they from Nordstrom? I've always wanted to see The Hard Nut. Next year maybe..

    I wish you a wonderful happy holiday and Christmas!


    1. Kim, yes from Nordstroms! I have a new lease on my navy blue wardrobe with those earings

  31. I love this! And you're making me miss Christmas already:)


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