Thursday, December 3, 2015


I got up this morning at the Ranch to this:

and this 

and this

and this

and this

My friend texted: "Surely you will be leaving for NZ as soon as you can?"

Our hearts go out to the families of those in San Bernardino, California. The Attorney General was quoted as saying: "This is not us. This is not who we are." And yet this headline says there is a mass shooting every day in the US.

We can't completely stop desperate people getting access to guns. But the laws have to change. Whoever in government is still pro guns--let's see your names printed against these headlines.


  1. I toy with the idea of moving to the states but if I did it wouldn't be new york or another big city but all these guns and mass shootings put me off. I am still scarred by going into a walmart in New Mexico where they sold guns and alcohol. But then again I didn't grow up with the second amendment so culturally I don't know why people go crazy about guns. There is a great meme out there about another uneventful day in Australia with no gun incidents. Works for me...

  2. EXACTLY!!!!
    GET RID OF THE GUN SALES......................NO ONE should have a GUN except LAW ENFORCEMENT!If you HUNT you check it OUT like in school at a LIBRARY!
    GET REAL PEOPLE................there is NO REASON TO HAVE GUNS!
    GO GIRL GO!!!!

  3. It's really stressing me out. Madness.

  4. It's such an insane world. Heartbreaking.

  5. when visiting America and Utah in particular where many people appear to carry weapons I don't feel uncomfortable at all.In England our lack of a means to defend family and home does cause me some concern.
